

Poas is an active 2,708m stratovolcano located in Costa Rica. It is one of the most active volcanoes in Costa Rica and has erupted more than 40 times. The Poas volcano’s latest eruption occurred in 2017, with widespread evacuations.

Location: Poas Volcano National Park. Costa Rica
Coordinates: 10.198474, -84.230513
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano


Poas’s Location


Poas’s Latest Status

2024: May: Currently Active. Gas, steam, and ash continue to vent from the crater floor.


Poas’s Eruptive History

1990 Ongoing phreatic eruptions. Crater lakes continues to shrink.
1993 More phreatic eruptions.
2006 First phreatic eruption in over 12 years
2009 A 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck near Poas, killing at least 40 people. This did not increase eruptive activity.
2014 A series of phreatic eruptions – also caught on the newly installed web cam. Plume to 300m.
2017 Increase in phreatic and phreato-magmatic explosions. Ash column to 3000m.
2019 Ongoing phreatic eruptions and changing crater lake levels. Multiple thermal anomalies recorded. September: Eruption producing ash column to 2km.
2022 OVSICORI-UNA has reported increased seismicity since mid August.
2023 Dec: OVSICORI-UNA has reported a small phreatic eruption producing a steam plume to 200m.
2024 April: Gas, steam, and ash continue to vent from the crater floor. Activity intensified dramatically on March 29th, and remains high, with continuous seismic and infrasound signals. VAAC Washington has issued a Volcanic Ash Advisory with a plume rising to 3000m


Poas Monitoring

Please refer to OVSICORI for monitoring of this volcano.


Poas Images