

Villarrica volcano, located in southern Chile’s Lake District, stands as one of the most active volcanoes in South America. This imposing stratovolcano is distinguished by its near-perfect conical form and a persistently active lava lake within its summit crater. Villarrica’s frequent eruptions, characterized by strombolian explosions and lava flows, have shaped the surrounding landscape.

Location: Villarrica, Chile
Coordinates: -39.422248, -71.936248
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano


Villarrica’s Location


Villarrica’s Latest Status

2024: Currently Active. Alert Level Yellow.


Villarrica’s Eruptive History

Year Activity
1558 First historically documented eruption – details of the scale and nature of the eruption are limited.
1640 Moderate-sized eruption likely involving lava flows and ash emissions.
1948-1949 Moderate-sized eruption with a focus on lava flows. Lahars generated by the eruption caused significant damage and loss of life.
1963-1964 Series of eruptions characterized by lava flows, ash emissions, and dangerous lahars.
1971-1972 Significant eruption featuring explosive activity, lava flows, and substantial lahars that again caused fatalities.
1984-1985 Major eruption with extensive lava flows, ash emissions, and a sustained period of activity.
2015 Spectacular eruption with high ash columns, lava fountaining, and pyroclastic flows necessitating evacuations.
2016-17 Persistent lava lake present.
2022 Ongoing minor eruptive activity, primarily consisting of strombolian explosions, ash emissions, and fluctuations in the crater lava lake.
2024 The volcano is currently erupting, characterized by summit crater incandescence, Strombolian explosions, and ash emissions.


Villarrica Monitoring

For monitoring of this volcano, please refer to SERNAGEOMIN.


Villarrica Images