Swirl (Sandstone) Cave Discovery

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On our mission to circumnavigate Auckland’s Manukau Harbour, we stumbled upon an unexpected treasure. During a lunch break along a remote stretch of coastline, our eyes were drawn to a small opening in the cliff face, nearly concealed by a jumble of logs and debris left behind by a recent landslide. Curiosity piqued, we ventured closer to investigate and were rewarded with a truly remarkable discovery. The unassuming entrance led into a hidden sandstone cave with a collapsed ceiling, a breathtaking sight to behold. The walls were adorned with a mesmerising display of colors and swirling patterns, formed over countless years as layers of sediment built up and hardened into a tapestry of texture.

Because the sandstone is soft and prone to erosion, it’s uncertain how long this cave will maintain its current form. It is probable that future landslides or erosion will eventually lead to its destruction.

Location: Manukau Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand



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