Chirinkotan Volcano


Chirinkotan is an uninhabited volcanic island located in the Kuril Island chain in the northwest Pacific Ocean. It has had no permanent habitation. The island rises approximately 3,000 metres from the Sea of Okhotsk and is approximately 6 square kilometres in area.

Location: Kuril Islands, Russia
Coordinates: 48.981848, 153.493024
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano


Chirinkotan’s Location


Chirinkotan’s Latest Status

2024: Not Active, Alert Level 1 Status.


Chirinkotan’s Eruptive History

2022 October: Ash eruption
2021 August: Multiple eruptions with ash rising to almost 3km.
2017 Ash plume at 6.7 km altitude recorded. Shortly after, a small plume was recorded at 3.7 km altitude drifting SE.
2014-15 More eruptive activity
1986 Eruption plume reaching 800m observed
1979-80 Moderate eruptive phase, with flank lava flows and ash plumes


Chirinkotan Monitoring

For monitoring of this volcano, please refer to SVERT


Chirinkotan Images