Mount Mayon


Mount Mayon is a beautiful symmetrical volcano located in the province of Albay, Philippines. It has steep upper slopes averaging 35 to 40 degree capped by a small summit crater and remains the most active volcano in Philippines. The volcano is 2, 462 metres tall and geographically shared by eight cities and municipalities.

Location: Albay, Philippines
Coordinates: 13.255479, 123.686112
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano


Mount Mayon’s Location


Mount Mayon’s Latest Status

2024: Alert Level 1 – Not Active


Mount Mayon’s Eruptive History

3100 BCE Oldest radiocarbon dated eruption
1814 The most destructive eruption in history (VEI=4). Buried the town of Cagsawa and killed 1200 people.
1897 The longest running eruption (VEI=4). Buries the village of Bacacay. Extensive lava flows. 400 people killed.
1928 VEI=3 eruption occurred in May.
1968 VEI=3 eruption. 100 eruptions occurred killing 6 people.
1984 Eruption began in September with multiple lava flows and incandescent rocks rolling down the NW flank. 73,000 people were evacuated and thankfully, no lives were lost.
1993 February. A series of eruptions triggered a pyroclastic flow that killed 79 people. 50,000 people were evacuated.
1999 June. A VEI=3 level eruption took place producing an ash column to 10,000m+. There were few warning signs prior to the eruption.
2000-2001 Continuous eruptions. In Feb, a series of eruptions caused the evacuation of 70,000 people. The volcano’s alert level was temporarily increased to level 5 (the highest it can go!)
2006 July – eruptions and lava flows prompted the evacuation of 40,000 people.
2009-2010 Major eruptive period. In June 2009, PHIVOLCS raised the alert level to 2 due to heightened seismicity. October saw a minor ash eruption. The alert level was maintained at level 2. December saw an increased in seismicity and S02 emissions, prompting the alert level to increase to 3. On Dec 15, a moderate ash eruption occurred, with lava flows reaching 500m. Dec 17 saw the frequency of eruptions increase and lava flows reaching 1500. 34,000 people were evacuated. The alert level was again increased to level 4. After decreasing seismicity and So2 output, the level was reduced in January of 2010.
2018 January – Explosion on 13 January 2018 begins new eruptive episode with the alert level increasing to 4. On Jan 22, Mayon erupted with an ash column to 3000m. Multiple lava flows and incandescent rocks were ejected. On Jan 23, Mayon spewed lava fountains reaching 300 meters high. A 9km danger zone surrounding the volcano was setup. March saw the alert level reduced.
2022 Mayon remains restless (currently at Level 2). The volcano has produced some minor steam plumes.
2023 Dec 2023: Eruption – VAAC Tokyo has reported an ash plume.
2024 Alert Level changed to Level 1 after activity levels subside.


Mount Mayon Monitoring

Please refer to PHIVOLCS for all of the Philippines Volcano Monitoring.


Mount Mayon Images