Bagana Volcano


Bagana is an active volcano located in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. It features a 1750-m-high lava cone constructed by an accumulation of viscous andesitic lava flows.  It is the most active volcano in the country and located a remote area of central Bougainville Island.

Location: Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
Coordinates: -6.132586, 155.195599
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano


Bagana’s Location:


Bagana’s Latest Status

2024: Currently Erupting


Bagana’s Eruptive History

2024 VAAC Darwin issued an ash advisory, with a plume reaching 3000m.
2022 November 2022: VAAC Darwin reported ash rising to 2000m.
2021 Eruptions in both Nov and Dec with ash rising to 2000m.
2020 Eruptions in both April and May with ash rising to 3000m.
2018 Ongoing, intermittent eruptive activity observed.
2007-2008 Major eruptive period. Pyroclastic flows and fresh lava flows.
2004 Eruptions of lava / lava flows reaching 3km in distance and coming close to villages
1960’s Major eruptive period with ongoing pyroclastic flows and ash eruptions


Bagana Monitoring

Unvailable for this volcano.


Bagana Images